Friday, August 12, 2011

What's a good first time buying a motorcycle well a crotch rocket for a 18 year old?

I'm goon buy with money from army but I don't know nothing bout the numbers and how fast they Are I just want something fast but not something I can't handle

I need help with my hair PLEASE!?

Well my mother is in beauty school and I asked her. She said you can try to cut it or if you still want it long than to try a straight iron. That makes your hair flat and non-puffy. You can even straighten it yourself. Just be careful you do not burn yourself if you do it on your own. Maybe you can ask a grown-up to help you. But yeah, try ironing it. Hope I helped! :)

What's going on? Am I weird?

When I'm reading a love fiction online (quizilla, fan fiction etc) and there's a REALLY graphic, detailed sex scene I vagina gets all tingly and weird. Is that normal? Btw if I sound dumb it's b/c I'm a 17 year old virgin so, I'm inexperienced in this stuff!

Story name ideas please?

Hi! As you might know, guy is also a French name "Guy", and I found really "cool" that naturally you "named" your story "Guy "A" and Guy "B", ans, as I do think first sight are often the best ones, I'll just go on the same path and name it: "The Lucky Guy" (with the double meaning).Congrats and good luck.

What should I do?? :/?

Okay, I have my brother's car because he went on a trip to Europe(we don't live together), so he gave me the keys to it, first question is.. Am I allowed to drive it?? because of insurance reasons, etc... I have a license and all that, but my mom is saying "no!". Also, part 2 of this is there is this girl I liked/talked on again off again(way out of my league btw...), I told her I have my bro's car for the week, so she asked me to pick her up(she lives 40 mins. away), and we'll go see movie or eat somewhere(hopefully get lucky haha), HOWEVER... my mom is saying like "no, no, no, you're not going anywhere, you're not allowed to drive insurance, blah, blah, you're inexperienced blah!" which is getting me pissed, she won't be home at the time when I arranged the date with the girl.(around 6 pm, she leaves work at 3), should I just take the car and go? or should I call the date off? how can I convince my mother to let me have a life, im 18 and am i even allowed to drive my bro's car? thanks for feedback!. :)

She said "I feel really inexperienced in comparison to you". Should I worry?

If things don't work out you can always go back to your home on wh0re island, you dirty pirate hooker.

Council on Foreign Relations tells the State Department what to do? Hillary a bit too candid?

Hilliary Clinton seems to glory in knowing that she is accountable to the U.N. and not necessarily to her nemesis. Hillary now wants the position of being the head of the U.N. World Bank. You can tell where she's headed... the U.S. President is peanuts in her eyes. Why not the world president...

Matlab help with array and writing a program?

Can anyone please explain to me how to use mat lab to write a program that computes the array B by computing the natural log of all the elements of A whose value is no less than 1 and adding 20 to each element that is equal to or greater than 1. Use a for loop with conditional statements. A=[ 3, 5, -4; -8,-1, 33; -17, 6, -9] PLEASE AND THANK YOU!

Why is it that minorities can get away with racism?

Im just wondering, yes there are white racists, but there are many (actually, most of us) that are not racist and are tolerant. My question is, why do minorities kind of, get away with it more? There is a mexican girl who i am friends with, and she is always saying how she hates black people (calls them goons too) and indian and middle eastern people..nobody says anything to her, where when a white person would say that, they would be in a lot of just dont get bitchy with me

Am going to ask this question one more time am 21 years old and my girl friend is 17 and she is pregnant?

Im not sure why your trying so hard to defend yourself you sound like you feel guilty. If her parent have come to terms with her having a baby and she wants to keep it it sounds like your going to be a dad. Thank your lucky stars they arent calling the sheriff. You need to ask her parent if the delivery and prenatal care is covered by their insurance if it is thats great and cover a hugh part of the expenses. Are you thinking about getting married? If you do you may be able to get a ton of financial aid for school. Try your best to finish your education at the very least get your BA before you make changes and hit the job market. Talk to her and her parents about your plans. Good luck and congrats.

Legitimate self-defense?

My youngest son, a CPUSA member, like his old dad, plans to march this weekend in one of the large May 1 parades in our city, with other hard-lefties. A local rightwing radio demagogue has threatened to show-up and "throw some punches" and break their antiwar and pro-amnesty (a hot local issue)signs over their heads. I have armed my son with a cannister of red-label (i.e., police strength) pepper spray, and advised him to carry one of his work instruments with him (he is a wood sculptor). Instead of fighting with threm,He prefers to work to form alliances with the working class Tea Partiers , a mostly decent bunch. But, is he and the others are attacked can he use these items to defend himself sand the others? The local police will try to keep both sides separate, but just in case they can't (we have a fairlyprogressive police chief), what are his rights to defend himself against th radio clown's threats (the goon has done such things in the past).

This guy seems so full of hatred and criticism, what causes this in a person?

Is this guy your boyfriend? He sounds unempathethic and insulting. I think what happened with your friend is tragic and he should have showed he cared about your feelings and just listened to you and gave you a shoulder to cry on. We all need someone to relate to us and just listen when things are chaotic and out of control. Just speaking from experience. Have you told this guy how you feel about him insulting you like this? Did this happen in public? There are signs that he is not the right guy for you. Believe me there are much better men out there. I am remarried so I can say it gets better but I have my times with my new husband too. Best thing is first to talk to him about how he hurt your feelings and both of you need to be open minded when you talk. Do not blame each other. Just listen. Communication is most important part of a health relationship. I do not know what your spiritual beliefs are buy prayer and God seems to help relationships too whether married or not. I wish you the best. God bless you.

Female Sexual Inexperience - What A Guy Really Thinks?

Is it a turn off when a girl is sexually inexperienced? Im not a virgin, however I have only had 3 sexual partners. I assumed if a guy really like you, he would enjoy the adventure, but what do you all think?

I really want to ask this girl out but I don't know how...HELP!!!?

I'm 15 and I have never had a girlfriend before but there is this amazing girl that I met 4 months ago and I really like her. We met through track at my high school and we really started talking about three months ago and then suddenly around my birthday (2 months ago) she started getting really flirty and I loved it, since then we talk and text non-stop everyday. We have talked about being a relationship kinda flirting but kinda serious but she has told me that she likes me and she says that she misses me all the time. She's even said that she wants to kiss me and things of that sort even though we aren't officially dating. I really want to make a move on her and date her because we really click and she has been one of my best friends since I met her but I am very inexperienced since I have never had a girlfriend. I am worried that if our relationship doesn't work out that we won't be friends anymore. And we are going on a "date" to the movies on Friday and I am spending the day at her house on Saturday. I really think that I am in love with this girl. Any advice?

How long should I be on Wellbutrin before quitting smoking?

I am doing 100mg once a day for the first week or two to get it in my system and to minimize side effects, then I was going to go to 100mg twice a day to equal 200mg for a couple of weeks. So I was shooting for a month?

Can you help me begin my story about a guy in the Mafia [10 pts. &credit]?

She can probably have a boyfriend who's over while Gino's babysitting her or whatever, and Gino's just watching, feeling disgusted because he's starting to get some feelings for her. Or Gino and Bella relationship can start as a brotherly-sisterly love. I don't know, just throwing out an idea. Good luck.

Why is makeup so expensive in Australia?

Those are American brands and they have to be imported to other countries. What you're paying is the actual price of the product PLUS the shipping and handling fees. I went through the same thing when I lived there! Good luck :)

This guy is so cruel to me, but yet I really like him still, what is wrong with me?

I don't know if you've ever heard this theory, but someone once told me that women are often attracted to men that remind them of their father. Perhaps if you had a negative relationship with your dad, this affects the guys you're interested in. If you've been mistreated in the past, it's really easy to set your standards low. I dated a very cruel guy for a long period of time and after that, all the guys I went for were jerks. This, I have figured, is because I felt like I DESERVED to be treated that way. So maybe you should evaluate your self esteem. I truly recommend you stay away from those who seem outwardly cruel, because chances are, they ARE cruel. Set your standards high! Every woman deserves a man who treats her well!

Am I inexperienced emotionally for not wanting to strip online?

I was friends with this guy who I knew in real life, but lives in another country. We were talking on skype and I asked him out. He said I should come to his country to visit him. Then the next time we spoke he asked me to strip on skype, when I wouldn't he said when we get together it will be really boring if I won't strip for him now and then hung up and then. I wrote to him telling him that I just wasn't comfortable doing that online when we hadn't been together in person and then he dumped me and said I was too inexperienced in relationship. What can I do? I really like him.

POLL: If you do one thing to change this world, what would you do and why?

i would make it like the show heroes where ordinary people suddenly becomes super humans because that would be AWESOMe

21 and never had a boyfriend, is that weird?

Seems you just weren't ready for a relationship, but now you are. No, you are not weird, each individual matures at a different rate. You have taken a bit longer. That's okay. Now its time to start going out and enjoying the fun things in life which include getting yourself a nic boyfriend.

How do I know which size condom to buy?

I'm a bit inexperienced and never measured myself. I have no idea what size I need to buy and don't want to mess this purchase up.

I need help finding my first job?

So far ive applied to 50 places online, ive followed up and i keep getting the same response" we are still reviewing the applications blah blah blah! i hate hearing that! I'm really struggling to find my first job. oh and im 17 and inexperienced.

I still haven't gotten an answer to this question so I'm reposting it. Please help?

I have no idea. You could try clicking different shows here till you find it:a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Phone sex for an inexperienced virgin?

Ok so my gf wants to have phone sex with me, the problem is I'm very un experienced because I'm a virgin.She talked me into doing it but she keeps asking what I want her to do, and I have no idea what to say. Please help

Was che guevara a bad person?

Personally i think he was a great person because he fought for the people and he represents bravery, justice,freedom, and revolution...and also he wasnt racist, he went to help out the rebels in the Congo and demanded equal rights for blacks at his address to the UN and he said he doesnt have any hatred against american people its just the government he hates... and yes he did execute people, but they were soldiers of his army who werent disiplined and commited crimes like rape, robbery, or any other crime.also dont answer unless you back up you opinion with facts

Quick/Easy recipe, that tastes Awesome?

Bob, Bob, Bob, listen son. you guys just have the best seafood over there in Australia. Do a whole baked snapper. Make sure your fishmonger scales and guts it first. stuff the cavity with what you call shallots, couple of slices of lemon. season with salt and pepper, sprinkle some thyme. Pretty basic stuff, that will go well with whole jacket potato, or rice (boiled in stock) make a pilaf, salad with a basic salad dressing, notice of kept you away from the fryer.

What are some stores where I can buy cheap, normal clothes in Colorado?

I'm 12 years old (a girl) and I need to know where to buy some cheap normal clothes. I'm not obsessed with Abercrombie or Aeropostale or anything like that, I wear plaid shirts, normal graphic t-s and shorts. I don't have that many pieces of clothes I like, either my mom bought them without my permission, or clothes my grandma gives me. I have an allowence but right now only have 23 dollars. That's why I need to find clothes that are like $1 each or something. I have goon to Goodwill, and other thrift stores, but everything there that I like are way to big or small! I'm in CO so I need like Denver area stores, not stores in Vancuver or Pittsburgh! Thank you for the help!

Should my girlfriend and I take a break?

you guys are 15. you have a lot of living to do. take the break, but give permission to see other people. if you don't get back together, do not make a big deal about it. you are 15 and life will go on.

My girlfriend punched and slapped me last night?

my girlfriend hurt me last night, and i don't know what to do. her dad is always insulting to me,and he always tells her to find someone better. her dads in a wheelchair, so he doesn't work or anything, he just sits complains and just be miserable all day while making everyone else miserable. things took a toll on me when he insulted me last time my girlfriend called me over to have dinner with her parents. so when driving back to my place, i told her to at least tell her father to try and have some respect for me as i do him. she said that it's best to ignore it, so we argued and i called her dad a crippled goon who deserves a slow death. she stayed quiet for the rest of the way home.when we got home i went to her trying to ask for forgiveness over what i said about her dad, but she pushed me off, started punching and slapping me calling me stuff. i grabbed her hand begging her to stop, so she kicked me in the groin and left. where do i go from here?

What kind of a GOON...?

We get it, you're from the Republic and you eat bombs for breakfast. We're suitably impressed/ terrified.

I am not confident to argue or fight anyone. pls help me!?

u do lack self confidance but the primary reason would be that ur too puny and kind hearted this happens with people who think too much or who has some people very close to them who had got hurt . just stop thinking of the consequence and start fighting

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Why is Tom Thibodeau a better coach than Doc Rivers?

Pierce has always been a great defender, and KG is tougher than you will ever be. I wont say anything else because you are an idiot.

Need an easy guitar chord song for music task.?

Try "Smoke on the Water," but everyone knows that one. Pop songs are a lot harder to play than Heavy Metal songs for some reason. I think that is why everybody likes them. Try to play by ear also. Listen to your favorite song and try a bunch of notes until you sound like the song, and then go from there.

Can someone recommend a good/cheap Tattoo Kit?

All tattoo kits are scams. You cannot learn to tattoo with a kit. You need an apprenticeship, it will give you all the knowledge and correct high quality tools you will need.

How do i know what to do..............?

So this guy i like asked me out on a date and part of me wants to go because i really like him but the other part of me doesn't because i'm too scared. I'm very inexperienced, i've only ever kissed one guy and that's pretty much all i've done with a guy. I'm too awkward and frigid when it comes to having a boyfriend. Everyone says kissing and all the other stuff comes naturally but really, how do i know what to do? how does anybody know what to do? i don't understand it. How do i overcome this fear??

90's Toyota mr2 first car?

So getting my own car finally. I really like the toyota mr2, especially the turbo model but i wasn't sure about a few things that I was wondering about. First.....i know how to drive a rwd car and i'm 18 in a month, and it will still be a few months until i actually get a car so i'll car over two years of driving experience(i know that isn't alot but its a decent amount so please don't be saying how i'm too inexperienced for a sports or sporty car). I'm more just interested on the mechanical side. How did those cars generally hold up, were they mechanically sound? i would expect them to have done pretty well because they r a toyota, but then again we are potentially talking about a car that is the same age I am. So any advice is useful, thanks.

I suck in bed? Girls dump me after they sleep with me.?

I am in college and very inexperienced. Because of this, I can spend hours with a girl and have a great connection then when we finally have sex she makes weird excuses to never see me again. It has been a continual source of heartbreak though I don't let them know it affects me that way and has destroyed my confidence. I just don't understand how I can show a girl a good time if they won't stay long enough for me to know what I'm doing. I have been reading on the subject, but don't get laid often enough to get good. I don't even know what my question is. I am just very upset right now.

Is 21 too young for a guy to have a long term relationship?

I've been with my boyfriend for 4 1/2 months and he still acts a bit younger than he is, likes to be social with friends, play video games, and things but only seems to see me once a week sometimes twice. He is 21 and i am 19. He does work a lot and has classes but he doesn't seem to need to see me very much but its always been that way but he treats me great. He was put under a curfew with his dad with video games and texting not permitted after 10 so he will focus more on college work, he flunked his first year on his own and now goes to a community college. He's never had a long term relationship but he pursued me and asked me to be his girlfriend so I just wonder what his motives are. He's never been in love and he didn't get sex from me before being my boyfriend so I just want to know, why do guys who are a inexperienced and still growing up seek out girlfriends?

If ( alternating current) AC's cyclic frequency is100 Hz?

If ( alternating current) AC's cyclic frequency is100 Hz, and bobbin induction is 110 Henry.Which is equal to induction resistance in AC circuit ?.

HELP! Was I a victim of tampered food at a restaurant?

First of all, leaving no tip was just rude. She didn't cook the food, so she shouldn't have been punished for it. The food probably wasn't tampered with. You just made a bad choice of restaurants. Twice. Don't go back.

When meeting a girl for the first time in general not one ur "talking too" what do u do?

Just be yourself and be confident. All girls love that. Get to know her better and you could go further after that. Just be honest and say hi to her. Ask her about her life and stuff live that. All girls love to talk about themselves.

The Failure of Al Gore - would the word dufus best describe him?

To call him a dufus would be an insult to the dufus community worldwide. I think the word douchebag works better.

Is it possible she could be lying?

I started dating this 19 year old female she's gorgeous and her body is smoking but she says she is a virgin? and she never really had a boyfriend? she acts like she's scared of sex because she's so you think she could be lying? she wears tight clothes too and isn't afraid to show her body. what might be the reasons shes so inexperienced?

What is going on?! PLEASE READ!?

talk to her and ask her your questions .i am sure she will answer them ,you need to do it when your friend is not there as it might hurt her,good luck with this problem and i hope you sort it .

What is a good book about life?

Blades and Dangerous Days, both by J. William Turner. Very realistic fiction about Australian teens in several tense, dramatic, life and death situations set in many parts of Australia, plus California and England, and dealing with teenage, adult and social themes. More info in Yahoo web search

The esthetician messed up my left eyebrow?

Go back to the esthetician and complain. Tell her that she didn't listen to what you asked for, and ask politely if she's willing to re-do it. If she says no, then go to a different esthetician after that. Just be glad that she over-arched it and not under-arched it, because at least you can bring it down. You can't bring an arch back up until the hair grows out again.

Im 16 and kinda inexperienced... do girls do this kinda thing?

ok so i just recently started talking to this girl who i like A LOT and i thought she would never like me. but it turns out she does. but she lives about an hour away and i just got to see her on wednesday. i had seen her a few times before recently. and before wednesday i had never made out with a girl before. i know, pathetic right. so i had already kissed this girl like 6 times. kissing wasnt new its fine for me. but she had a boyfriend while i was kissing her. she just broke up with him after they had been dating for like a year and a half. and she needed comfort. so when i saw her i started hugging her and we hugged for a long time. then you know things kinda escalated. i didnt even know how to make out. but i kissed her once and went back to hugging her. then it got kinda wild. she quit hugging me and leaned back against a counter and pulled me into her and we kissed like 4 times right after each other then ended with a really long one. then she stuck her tongue in my mouth and started sucking on my lower lip. and i started FREAKING THE FU‌CK OUT inside my mind cuz i didnt know what i was doing. so i just kinda played along and stayed calm. it was hot but it was sloppy on my part. even tho i felt like a total dumba‌ss she didnt seem to notice or mind. but we were just now talking on the phone about how awesome it was. and then she says "i didnt think you were gonna tongue me". and i was like what are you talking about you started it. but she kept saying that i started it and she wont admit that she really did. she doesnt even know that that was my first time making out. it just seems too perfect and do you think shes trying to make her old bf jealous? im kinda worried about it.

I'm gay and my parents hate me for that. Why?

I believe you should have chosen your studies. You can still go to university but it will be harder. You can gets grants and scholarships. You should go to the university you want and go to their financial help office, they can help. Give your parents some time. Hopefully they will come around.

Want to know the name of an english movie in which the hero is a chinese actor. he is a criminal .?

one day wen he kills a person , the heroin , who is a painter sees him. she paints his picture. the hero while escaping goons comes into her place. he sees his painting and wants to kill her. but on seeing her falls in love with her. this movie was aired on star movies maybe in 1999 0r 2000. please let me know the movie name....plz plz plz

Why do people think that gay relationships need to mirror straight relationships?

Aron and I are both young men. We treat each other as equals. There is one person playing the male role and the other playing the female role.

If Department of Education can send SWAT to collect on student loans, is it "paranoid" to fear the government?

I see the people in the article are blacks. It doesn't surprise me they have trouble with the law. Hell, I'm just impressed to see a father figure in the story.

Trignometric ratios ?

Suppose in a triangle ABC, right angeled at C. Where angle A is Theta and the opposite side is BC, hypotaneuse AB. Given Cosec A = 2 which is equal to Hypotaneuse divided by Opposite side. None of the sides are mentioned and as per the question we have to find all other trignometric ratios with the help of all the sides. If Cosec A= 2 then whether the Hypotaneuse and opposite side will be 2 / 1 or 4 / 2. Then how will we find the sides. If it can either be ( 4 and 2 ) or ( 2 and 1 ). Or is it ok if it can be any side since nothing more is mentioned. Thank you.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

WHy American women aren't as sexy as people from other cultures...Do you agree or disagree?

Alot of people, especially young men believe that foreign women for other countries are better than American women because they are sexier and have more curves and take care of their husbands better and cook and clean more. American women were brought up to achieve more in their education and careers. THey were raised to look for men (whether they exist or not lol) who appreciate a woman as an equal partner in a relationship. American women are taught that a relationship should be based on common interests and a connection, which is why we dont care as much about physical appearance. Women from other countries care more about if they are sexy and if they attract guys more than girls from other countries. Anyone agree or disagree with my explanation??

Why are some women complaining about the retirement age being raised? (UK)?

I do not get this! Women fought/fight for their equal rights in the workplace,and claim they still are to a certain degree, they want equality, (same as a man, same pay etc) Now the age of retirement for a woman in the UK is the same age as it is for the Male, why are the women complaining about this, when it is their original demand of equality in the workplace?

How come one segment with John Cena and IWC saying Rock does not have goon in-ring sbility?

Rock wasnt that good of a in-ring technical master but guess what, he didn't need to be. I hate when people say that. Rock did a great enough job in the ring. People like Jericho, who were actually in this business has stated this. He knows more than any of us. He was able to hang with the best, did a good job at selling, and was a good storyteller. I feel the same about Cena, just that Rock was a little more fluid and charismatic. People say the same about Cena as well, about his in ring game but lately you can tell Cena is tired and needs some rest. On top of that Cena is forced with his late match sequence which sucks these days.

How long should I wait for a job offering from Kroger until i contact them? ?

Give it a day or so before you contact her again. Otherwise you run the risk of looking like you would be a high maintenance employee.

How come all races of women want white men but not all races of men want white women?

Is it because us white men are rich, powerful, dominant, intelligent and sexy? We can have our pick of any woman of any race. White women cannot say the same. Is it because men don't want women who are bossy, manipulative, competitive with their men, and always trying to be "equal" to us men?

Friends with benefits?

It won't be your only chance. There are always those guys who aren't douches, that women usually completely ignore.

RHH: What do u think of the verse?

9/10 some of the metaphors could be a little more clever but its still better then anything you can hear on the radio

Prom, the four letter word that has every high school girl worried about getting a date. Including me. Help?

You're one hell of a writer. The prom even though it seems big right now will seem quite trivial once you enter the real world. Not having a date is really not a big deal. Some things we just have to work harder at.

How does 3500 calories equal a pound... ?

I usually eat 1600 cal a day for maintenance. Rarely, for like special occasions, I eat A LOT and I count it out to be around 2,700, 3000 at the most. However, when I do, I gain 2-2.5 pounds. I thought an excess of 3500 cal is a pound, how is an excess of 1,100-1,400 cal more than even one pound!?

Can any on help me with this program??? C++?

In a right triangle, the square of the length of one side is equal to the sum of the square of the length of the other two sides. write a program that prompts the user to enter the length of three sides of a triangle and then outputs a message indicates whether the triangle is a right triangle.

Why is a girl is allowed to file complaint for rape or sexual exploitation after weeks of the incident?

It is common to come across news items in the newspapers or on the TV channels whereby it is reported that a girl was raped or sexually exploited by a relative or a teacher or a master or a stranger for weeks or months and sometimes even for years. How is that possible ? A rape can happen once in a while by a gang of goons, but how can a man alone rape a girl or a woman alone unless the girl or the woman also co-operates ? Is it not simply impossible to penetrate when the woman is resisting hard ? And what stops her to immediately report the matter to the nearest police post or to at least her family members ? Further how can a woman be sexually exploited over the long period of years unless she herself willingly continues the relationship ? Is it not possible that the so-called abused woman entered into the sexual relationship willingly and continued the same for the sake of pleasure or with some hidden motive like getting a role in the films or some monetary gain or getting a job she did not deserve in the first place from the man in question, and later on, when the man refuses to oblige her, she becomes vindictive and slaps the charge of rape or sexual exploitation ? Since the law is heavily loaded in favor of the "victim", many a respectable names have been sullied for no real fault of theirs. The upcoming actor Shiny Ahuja just being only one of those unfortunate victims of a skewed legal system.

How bad is a 36 degree on the boxer fracture?

I broke the neck and at first the doctor thought it was a 16 degree angulation. i had a check up today (10 days later) and he says it was a 36 degree. i read online that anything over 30 degree should not be healed by a simple cast. does that mean i should choose surgery? also which position should the hand be in to reduce angulation? anything else i can do to reduce it? the nurse is inexperienced and i think the way she puts the cast on made it worse, and i am worried about more permanent damage

What are your thoughts about this information I got in an email?

Do your own research and don't let FOX comedy network dictate how you feel about our president. That's my answer. Most of these idiotic diatribes are propaganda filled with factual holes you could drive a truck through. What bothers me is that recipients of this nonsense don't do any follow up or research, they think because it came in an email it must be true.

Do you think this guy is cruel?

Because he's an insecure a**hole who feels the need to put other people down to make himself feel better.

Does anybody know if this is OCD?

I have a weird obsession with the number 14. And 7. Sometimes when Im tapping something, Ill tap it 7 times, then 5, then 3, then 1, then 5, then 3, then 1, then 3, then 1, then 1. If you can follow that pattern lol. Sometimes, I do that when Im walking, on the sidewalk, Ill step in on each block thingy in that pattern. Ive been weird with numbers kind of like this since I was little, I remember counting whenever I ran up the stairs. But I do it, every single day, or something to do with it. And sometimes when Im eating candy Ill have to have 4, or 7, and certain numbers that I like, I dont know why. If my friend gave me 3 of something, lots of times I would take another one to equal 4. There's a couple other weird things I do, but they are really hard to explain so Ill leave them out. Lol sorry if I sound like a psychopath, btw Im 14.

How do you pity the tears of Karunanidhi for the arrest of his daughter Kani in corruption case?

I have no sympathy for him nor for his entire family as they involve in every crime that is committed in Tamil Nadu.

How come Canadians dont celebrate the 4th of july eh?

I mean they are no diffrent than americans, they should have equal rights too eh!, not only that but they can light fireworks and eat at cookouts eh. maybe it would be best if all canadians move to america eh?

This guy is so cruel to me, but yet I really like him still, what is wrong with me?

Is there something wrong with you? Why the hell do you like this man. He doesn't give a rat's *** about you. He insults you in a every way and he shows you no sympathy or remorse. What the hell do you see in this man? Honesty girl I think you should just stay away from him.

Why do I Feel this Way? Easy 10 pts!?

aww! that's so cool that you feel much better about yourself. But hey.. don't let it run into your brain! you don't want to become an obnoxious self-centerd conceited jerk. good luck!

How will I know when a guy wants to kiss me? ?

First you get the boyfriend. It's a boy that shows interest in you and finds ways to meet up with you in school or after school. Then there's friendly touching just to see if there is some affection between you two. Like dancing or saying can I give you a massage. When it's time for the kiss he'll probably pull you close to him and take initiative. Close your eyes and your lips will meet. French kissing is when he and you start to open your mouths as your lips are pressed together and then your tongues meet. Slow is the way to go. Don't worry. You will be so attracted and turned on you can do no wrong. Carry mints or breath freshener. Wear a nice perfume scent.

Young guys who are really rough in sexual encounters... inexperienced?

Do you think that if a young guy (early 20s) is way too rough during sex, it means he is inexperienced? Or does that actually work for people? lol I'm talking about the guys who practically bruise you, and bite and grab and squeeze so hard that it hurts really bad.....

What bench circular saw should I use? Any recommendations?

Have large quantity of 18mm x 18mm x 2m long planed timber I need to divide up into small but equal lengths of 2". Any recommendations for a circular bench saw that would do the job cleanly and quickly (with a suitable back stop gauge attached)? Thanks in advance. Mitre / bevel capability not essential.

My thoughts about Osama bin Laden. Opinions please.?

I am very happy that his spirit will go to God who will judge him , If he is a saint good and if he was evil he will be in the lake of fire.

Am I an 18 year old loser?

this is so sweet! you're eighteen, your life is ahead of you, no it does NOT mean you're a loser, it means nothing in the wider scheme of things. I know plenty of successful hot adult males who weren't relationally active during high school OR college. In fact it makes them more attractive to women as it shows some self control and pickiness! There is such a thing as having TOO much experience and a name for yourself. Better to wait for the right girl to come along...cliche, but true. As for the families asking constantly if you have a girlfriend, well thats just an obligatory question, comes as natural as saying 'hello', it'll figure that much on their caring scale too, they won't be analysisng you or anything. Just say you're holding open a vacancy for the right one. As for any loser, they guy who typed 'yes' thats a loser ;)

How do I show my girlfriend that I appreciate what she does for me?

Okay, it's time to step out of your comfort zone. Girls want to know how you feel. I know you said that was uncomfortable, but thats the best thing. She does everything with and for you. Let her know how you feel. Maybe take her out to dinner and then tell her how you feel. Hope this works.

Why do you continue to let YOURSELVES BE EXPLOITED dear and loved U.S.A ?!?

Why do you continue to let yourselves be exploited? Why do you allow the corporate elite to handpick the puppet bourgeois candidates which you 'elect' every few years? Why do you passively tolerate the destruction of our domestic working class, and of working classes of other oppressed people in the martyred Middle East through capitalist imperialism? Why do you allow the artificial scarcity of private propriety to dictate your economic affairs and demean you as human beings? Why do you demonize true leaders of the people like those in Cuba and Venezuela, while pretending that the goons of international finance have your interests in mind? Why do you sit idly by as inequality increases under the propagandeous notions of individualism, and fascism increasing looms upon the world?

Please clarify about sbi subh nivesh insurance scheme?

a couple of months ago sbi life insurance agent approached me and canvassed about sbi subh nivesh. he said if you invest 3236 quarterly, at the end of ten years you will invest rs129440/- . the company will give equal amount what you invest+ bonus(he said the bonus amount would be more than 50000/-.) he said total amount i will get nearly 300000/- (129440+129440+50000=308880)so i joined in that scheme. but after i paid first installment, i read in a forum that this scheme will give interest only upto 6%. i was shocked by this statement. then i mailed to the concern people to resolve my problem. but i left unanswered. you people please tell me about this scheme. and please tell me is the statement of my agent true?

How tall is goonish? I was recently measured very accurately and found that I'm 6'7",not 6'6"?

I am uncomfortable in my body. I know, my problem not yours. However, I found out during a recent government sponsered clinical test that I'm actually taller than I thought I was. I'm 1/16" shy of 6'7", I'm worried mostly that the additional inch pushed me into "too tall, goon" territory. Not tall or skilled enough for pro-basketball, too tall to ride a normal scooter w/out looking like a shriner. As far as height goes does that additional inch make a difference in your attitude of an individual?

Should I call Kroger again to ask about a job offering?

well if you didn't put down open availability for almost everyday your chances are slim because you can only be a bagger or cashier at 16.

Ladies! Which man would you choose?

man A. cos when you get to know their pesonality it make you start to fancy them too and you see them in a different light.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How to convert chars in string to float or int?

If i have a string s and it equals 4+3. I had atof(s[0]) + atof(s[2]) but there is an error. The same error happens with all operators. I don't get it shouldn't it work???

How will I participate on YA if I accidentally blow my hand off?

This being 4th of July weekend and I being drunk and inexperienced with firecrackers, well, that's just an accident waiting to happen now, isn't it? And no I can't use my other hand. Sorry, I'm not a lefty.

Should i tell her that im still virgin?

tell her , and if she loves u she'll be with u , tell her ur reasons y u still a virgin .. and if she understands she'll help u : ) ... sex is not everything , it's a part of a relationship !!

How to test AV input output cords?

A few months ago, we bought a portable dvd system for our car, basically 1 dvd player that outputs audio/visual to a second screen via an AV cord. The source player still plays video and gets sound, but there is no output to the second screen. I want to test the cord for a short with my multimeter, but don't know how. It is a single line, I am guessing 3.5 mm. Same jack at both ends: from the base of the plug, there are roughly 3 equal cylinders separated by grooves, followed by a tip that is tapers out and back in. Any idea how to accomplish. I guess I could always by another AV line at radio shack. Thanks in advance.

To get drunk how much do I drink?

I will answer your question because i drank sometimes or maybe alot when i was in junior high but anyway since you have never been drunk it would only take 1shot and a half of 80 proof vodka for your blood level to be 0.8 and by law that's drunk or if you REALLY want to get hammered drink 3 shots in 5 minutes or 4 in less than 10 minutes and that will make or break you lol but either way you go you can get drunk less than 15 minutes and spend less than $10 that's cheap but you should take your time and enjoy the first time because most people don't even remember there first time because they got drunk to fast but it's up to you and when or if you do it make sure your with somebody that's been drunk before but ifcourse not driving and if i were you i would stay out of don't want a under age dinking ticket trust me that's not cool.

Are Rise Against concerts crazy?

My mom is being a little bit to protective about this concert, like is everyone violent? is the moshpit a bunch of goons running around punching each other? yeah i tried explaining it to her but she seems to be blind so anybody got any info?

Is it normal for a guyfriend to do this?

he REALLLLLY likes u..make sure if he says anything like ur lesbian or that he is just scared to tell u he likes u so yea:)

HELP! Was I a victim of tampered food at a restaurant?

You didn't tip the SERVER because the food was bad? I HOPE someone shyt in your food, I hope that one bite made you really sick.

Is anyone else mourning the death of Macho Man Randy Savage?

Why is god taking all the best athletes. First Derek Boogaard, defenseman and goon of the New York Rangers. Now the legendary Macho Man Randy Savage. What is going on?

Is No Calorie Sweetner Bad for you?

My mother likes No Cal Sweetner because it doesnt raise her blood sugar up and I guess apparently she claims its sweeter then Sugar. Ive heard these sweetners are bad for you, People tell me Splendas ok for you and that Equal and Sweet N Low are horrible for you and full of chemicals. I was wondering if anybody knew what the good ones are and the bad ones are so I can buy her the ones that won't make her sick, Or are they all bad for you and should I be buying her something like Sugar in the Raw?

After betta breeding quEstion!?

After my male and female veiltail betta spawned, does the male have to be with the eggs in the styrofoam cup and bubblenest if no other fish has acces to the eggs? So basically my question is- can I move my male betta back to his 5 gal tank and my female back to her side ofthe 10 gal tank (their is a divider that the me male was on with the eggs and the female on the other? And my bettas are taking like hours to mate, and everytime they rap up like either no eggs or very little come out. Is this normal, ik for a fact my female isn't inexperienced and I do believ my male is experience in breeding As well, y aren't they just doing it quick like all the other times

Is it a turn off if a guy is still a Virgin?

No. Not for me at least. I'm only 15, but whenever I meet a guy that I really like and would want to have sex with, I'd like it much more if he were a virgin too. So what if he's unexperienced? If they really loved each other it wouldn't matter, it would actually be better. That way their first time is with each other. That's my opinion at least.

Is weed mentally bad for you, what if you have Social Anxiety..?

I don't know I suffer from anxiety and cannabis dependency lol so they say it chills me out especially in group situations. Only time I can see myself getting paranoid from it is if I'm home alone. Guess the only way to fix it is to stick to the chronic..not like that's a bad thing at all.

Math Problem into a story book?

We were given an assignment to take a math problem and create a storybook of that problem. It's suppose to be creative. Our math problem is 3-(-2)=5. How am I suppose to create a story for children that explains WHY it equals 5. Obviously, I know how to do the problem. But creating a story is hard. We were given examples of simple addition problems incorporated into a story, but our problem is harder because it's not just a simple 3+2=5. It's a matter of somehow creatively explaining why 3-(-2)=5. Thank you for your help! :)

Can some one tell me what to do ?

So I was goon out with a girl she is 16 I am 17 both same grade 10th and I really love her and she broke up with me it's only been a week and she said it was cause I said I love I know it was to early to say that but this is to much for me to handle so o have to say this I want to go back out with her but idk what to do it's like I feel so sad I have never felt like this my whole life and now it feels like I can burst out crying a river but I try to hold it back and now almost all the song I hear are love song about girls breaking up ex murs atmosphere and etc it's just so hard I want to ask her back out can some one please help me before I kill my self no joke I feel close like doing it this is the second time I felt lovesick like this the first time I felt lovesick was when I was 15 and nohing happens she moved away but this girl is in my class I feel so stupid and now I'm so sick throwing up and trying to hole my emotions please help

I want to be union goon so what do I need to do?

I'm 6'4 250. I hate America and freedom. I dont have my GED yet but if I need it ill get it. Oh and I already have a bat (which I nicknamed Che) picked out so hopefully im allowed to use my own.

Experimental Black/Thrash Metal: Sturmgeist?

I liked it Ana, especially the Falco cover as I am a connoisseur of cover songs. I think they definitely have their own style.

How to advertise youtube channel?

Iunno, but my channel is a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a if you;re interested in WoW and gaming.

I want to be with women so i can be with an equal?

Most men will cheat and they usually say its because their needs are not met. THAT'S BECAUSE THEY DO NOT TELL US! i feel i want to be with a woman because i know we will talk to each other and be open when we need to be. i wont have to pry and squeeze things out of her like i would a man. a woman knows what she wants and will say it. yet a man sits back and expects you to read their mind?! i used to be with women and it was better than being with men for the fact that we were much more connected and close. anyone have a similar experience or do you think i should not jump to something out of uncomfortable feelings with men?

Monday, August 8, 2011

Why has Gordon Smith been appointed "director of football" at Rangers?

Because he's a dirty orange bastard. Also, it tells you all you need to know that wee McCoist NEEDS a mentor, unlike Neil. Did Smith's education of the wee prick not suffice. He'll be on the dole within a year. Mark my words. Neil will put him to the sword just as he did to his mentor Watty last season. Olf Firm games don't lie.

"Why do mostly all restaurant and hotel kitchens hire men for cooks/help and not women?"?

I have worked in both.. there is always.. always men hired to do these jobs. I thought we are suppose to be living in a equal opportunity employment world? I thought.. women are suppose to have equal rights? After all... mothers and grandmothers were cooks long before men came into this field. I just don't think its fair. I was going to go to a Culinary School... but I know.. I won't be hired over a man .. so why waste my time and money? If... I were able to go to CIA then perhaps I would as a woman be considered because I would then have a greater expertise in the field.. because that school is the gold seal of approval and you can write your own ticket.

Monteray bay aquarium or aquarium of the pacific?

My boyfriend and I are about to celebrate our anniversary and wanted to go to the zoo and an aquarium. My boyfriend has never been to either. We have 3 full days off and I was wondering. Is the monteray bay aquarium better than the aquarium of the pacific (long beach)? We live in the center of CA so it's about equal distance to both. Also. Is there a zoo up near monteray? Bc I know that there is the san Diego zoo down near the long beach area. He's never seen a non domestic animal in person and wants to see some. Oh plus! Sharks is a factor, which aquarium has a good selection?

Is it fair, Arnold being maligned in the media, following Jessie Jackson's example?

he lied to beat Grey Davis. If it would have been known what he did, he NEVER would have been governor of California, but stayed in Hollywood where his slutting kind belong.

Can you suggest any bands for me to listen to?

If you like Nine Inch Nails, you could check out the band Trent's doing with his wife, How To Destroy Angels. I haven't really looked into them yet, but I think you can get a free download of the EP on their website. I've heard a lot of people say that it sounded a lot like Nine Inch Nails with a female singer. (Mariqueen is the one singing in HTDA).

Do The Bible Codes mean anything?

Similar codes have been found in Moby Dick. Any sufficiently wordy document will have some letter combinations that make words.

Suggestions for Metal Bands?

Asking Alexandria, Attack Attack, Black Veil Brides, Adelita's Way, Social Code, Bullet For My Valentine.

Would a feminist date a man that makes more money than her?

Or is it imperative to a feminist that the earnings are roughly equal between a couple, or, that the feminist out-earn the man?

Unfair Pay with Equal Employment?

Perhaps the new girl has more qualifications/education/work experience than you, to be hired in as the clinical supervisor.(sounds like she might become your boss). I suggest that you speak with the boss/owner and question the salary discrepancy between what you are being paid and what they are starting the new" Receptionist" at. If they do not increase your pay to the new starting level, I would look for a new job(before quitting). Good Luck

The most messed up nipple piercing ever !?

Trust me, if its messed and you don't like it go back to the piercer and tell them you want a refund because they didn't pierce it right and take it out now before it heals over and its permanent :) haha

If the numerator of a certain fraction is increased by 6 and its denominator is decreased by 5 the resulting?

(continuation) fraction is equal to 3/4. if the reciprocal of the original fraction is decreased by 1, the resulting fraction is 16/9. find the original fraction.

Could any English-French translators PLEASE HELP ME!?

L'ann�e derni�re, je suis all� avec ma famille dans le Lake District pour une activit� de vacances. Quand nous sommes arriv�s, nous avons �t� accueillis par un moniteur de voile appel� Paul, qui nous a emmen�s � bord de l'eau. Depuis que je suis jeune, je n'avais jamais aim� la mer parce que mon fr�re m'avait dit qu'il y avait des monstres l�-bas, alors j'ai jou� sports de balle � la place. Aujourd'hui, j'aime toujours jouer au hockey et au tennis, parce que je les joue avec mes amis � l'�cole. Le premier jour, malgr� mes craintes, je suis all� la voile avec mon p�re. Il �tait trop difficile pour moi au d�but, et je effleur� ma main sur les cordes, mais j'ai bien aim�. Ce fut une belle journ�e, mais une rafale de vent a frapp� �normes de notre bateau et frappa mon p�re sur le c�t�. C'�tait hilarant! Mon p�re �tait trop froid et grincheux pour faire autre chose, donc nous n'avons pas rejoindre mon fr�re et ma m�re, qui jouaient au tennis. Au lieu de cela, nous sommes all�s au buffet � l'h�tel. Il y avait beaucoup de nourriture sur des tables, et je remplis mon assiette tr�s �lev�! Le fruit �tait tr�s color� et un go�t d�licieux, mais la viande a �t� cuite et n'avait pas l'air sain parce qu'il �tait couvert de graisse. Heureusement, je suis v�g�tarienne et j'ai eu mes propres repas sp�ciaux. Tout au long de la semaine, nous sommes all�s le cano�, planche � voile et jet ski quand il n'�tait pas trop de vent. Ils �taient tous tr�s amusant et j'ai surmont� ma peur de la mer. Parce que j'avais l'habitude de nager quand j'�tais petite, j'�tais le meilleur de ma famille et j'ai pass� environ trois heures par jour � la piscine. J'ai appr�ci� la plupart des sports, mais mon sport favori �tait le jet ski, parce que j'�tais la seule personne dans ma famille qui n'est pas tomb� dans l'eau. Cependant, je n'aimais pas jouer � des jeux d'�quipe avec les autres enfants dans la soir�e. Moi et mon fr�re ont �t� les plus anciennes et les autres enfants �taient trop inexp�riment�s, et nous avons pens� que les activit�s �taient ennuyeux. L'ann�e prochaine, apr�s les jeux Olympiques, nous allons au pays de Galles pour l'�t�. Je voudrais essayer le surf alors que nous sommes en vacances, parce que mon fr�re est tr�s bon dans ce domaine. Si j'�tais meilleur au surf, j'ai pu impressionner tout le monde et il serait g�n�! Je voudrais �galement saisir un

Best custody arrangement?

My boyfriend of 10 years and I recently broke up and he moved out into his own house. We have a 1 1/2-year-old son, and I was wondering what the best custody arrangement would be. I want my son to have equal time with both myself and his father.

Should i tell her that im still virgin?

tell her , and if she loves u she'll be with u , tell her ur reasons y u still a virgin .. and if she understands she'll help u : ) ... sex is not everything , it's a part of a relationship !!

Why has our government been taking an active role in destroying Sunni led governments and allies?

Removing Saddam was a bad idea. He acted as a counter-force to Shi'ite Iran. Now the region is dominated by Shi'ite governments. The first George Bush understood that; his dolt of a son did not.

So the "stupid rednecks" of Mississippi figure out how to take care of Westboro goons first?

You are wrong. The Mississippians didn't "take care" of Westboro because they're anti-gay. Most Christians are anti-gay. They took care of them because the Westboro people are anti-America and anti-military. They are the ones who hold the signs thanking God for dead soldiers and IED's.

Tell me about your first kiss? Was it good or bad in your opinion?

Was it memorable, did you stay with him/her? Im just curious and mine was sweet but pretty bad as we were both inexperienced XD

Going on a road trip to vegas with 2 friends in MY CAR. How should we split gas?

As i said, im taking my car to vegas. I was thinking that they should pay for the gas since im driving my car (far). But i decided to pay a little just to be fair. Last time i went, it costed around $200. So i was thinking i pay $40 and them paying $70 each. Is that fair? I dont think i should pay the equal amount since im taking my car and ill probably be the one driving most of the time. Let me know wat u guys think.

Why have advertising companies decided to devise annoying commercials like 118 and Halifax.?

Every ITV channel starts a break with those 2 goons from 118 and then ends the break every time the show is about to start. Old Speckled Hen with a fox (and foxes are renowned to kill hens) is also annoying. Particularly worrying are the Halifax adverts which are so worryingly "nice" and set in sound studios of all places whereupon we have to listen to their "nice" and ironic music. Can't we do anything politically incorrect these days ... I reach for the mute on the remote every time.Bring back fox hunting and the old PG tips adverts too.We've got to have a laugh some time.

Wouldn't you rather have a voluntary laissez-faire society when people/businesses have to constantly compete_?

Laissez-faire is great for a while, but you eventually get monopolies, and then they can charge whatever they want (i.e. current oil/food prices). Total free market economy always ends up with the biggest corporations screwing the working class. That's why laissez-faire is so appealing to already wealthy people. Hourly workers always get hurt the most. It's just wage slavery.

Why are Chinese people so uncivilised?

Its ok, but whats your point in creating this topic anyways? To justify your racism for everyone to know? You saw one Chinese guy do this and then you automatically assume that all Chinese people do this? The thing is, you should be angry at that guy for not having any manners, don't hate the entire race. Yea sure you're not stereotyping. You see these people all the time...the truth is the country you came from probably has its fair share of rude people. For your information, I am Chinese and I would never do that. Plus, I have been to all parts of Southern China and the people there are quite polite especially Hong Kong. So stop stirring up trouble.

Math Problem into a story book?

We were given an assignment to take a math problem and create a storybook of that problem. It's suppose to be creative. Our math problem is 3-(-2)=5. How am I suppose to create a story for children that explains WHY it equals 5. Obviously, I know how to do the problem. But creating a story is hard. We were given examples of simple addition problems incorporated into a story, but our problem is harder because it's not just a simple 3+2=5. It's a matter of somehow creatively explaining why 3-(-2)=5. Thank you for your help! :)

Is it normal for a guyfriend to act like this?

Yes, he likes you. A guy who does not like you will not do these things. JK: Just kidding. He thinks your beautiful but he said jk because he was afraid of saying so.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Do police have the legal authority to randomly force somone to identify themselves?

The answer to your question is "no" the police can not at random conduct a search of a person - (demanding ID is a form of search and seizure) without - at least - a reasonable suspicion of criminal activity. The U.S. Constitution - Amendment IV - "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable search and seizures ..." An officer has no right to demand (at random) identification - but a citizen does have a duty - under certain circumstances - to produce proper identification.

Why aren't liberals free speech defenders when it comes to figures like Terry Jones?

I mean, they're all crying about the First Amendment and freedom of religion when it's Anjem Choudhury and his Sharia-supporting goons.

Can religious schools discriminate on the basis of religion and still claim to be equal opportunity employers?

I'm a teacher looking for a job, and some of the religious schools that I'm applying to claim to be "equal opportunity employers", but do not hire non-Christians, which I am. I know that the label "equal opportunity employer" applies to religion, but is there some exception for religious schools?

How big are hmv posters?

i want to get a poster on ebay and its 11x17 inches, is that the same size as a hmv one? if not what is 11x17 equal to in cm and mm?

How do you like the Law Minister Moiley's condemnation of Gujarath govt for...?

Moily is a congress mouth piece vilifying Gujarat Government.Congress is losing face all over india so they are on a smear compaign.Do not pay much attention to the stooges of the dynasty.

Would you be surprised if a Wiki Leaks report showed Arab kings were alcoholics?

Well I've no doubt these goons are big time players and hard time drinkers. What happens when they ditch Islam.

Do you think there is probably something about me that makes people just not care about me?

Im sorry. Thats not good to feel that way. My personal experiance with feeling uncared for or invisiable was, I had to learn to love myself first. Try doing something for yourself atleast once a week. Paint your toenails. Watch your favorite movie. Walk around your house naked. lol. weird but it works. CLOSE UR BLINDS! Send yourself flowers. and in the little note write this " Hello Beautiful. You are perfect the way you are. Dont let anyone make you feel different. " When you love you, you gain confidance and others opinions dont matter as much. here... Have an e-hug.

How can I make my girlfriends "first time" with me pleasurable?

Judging from what I've heard. A women's "first time" is mostly painful and I want to know how and what I can do to make my girlfriends "first time" with me pleasurable. I don't want to cause her any pain :/. And I'm also a virgin so yes I'm also inexperienced. Thankyou :)

Wow what the heck is going on y&r?

what!now this guy is canes twin brother? are is he transforned from one of colins goons and had surgery to look like cane? this is 2 much bullshit for me, i dont know why they always do that ?can anyone fill me in on the cane-thing//

How about changing the T.S.A.'s name?

They're just doing their jobs, I guess, but the people who own the airlines must be stopped. It's bad enough that they can get away with charging an arm and a leg now for what used to be complimentary, but now they're violating our privacy. I shudder to think what's next.

How will Obama's war on right-to-work states work out for America's manufacturing base?

Right-to-work states - such as Alabama, Arkansas and Mississippi - routinely have a much higher poverty rate, and much lower income per capita.

Am i being watched by a spirit?

I am constantly feeling like im being watched and always seeing things, but when i look full on its goon i find things on places where i didnt leave em' The most recent one was where i fell opened m eyes i saw the figure of girl standing overme. Thnx

18 and remarkably inexperienced?

Hey guys. I am an 18 yr old girl, and feel pretty s*** about myself just now. The last time I kissed a guy was when I was 11ish, and I wouldn't even count that as a first kiss to be honest. I have been loved once by a friend, but he was the type that would kill himself if he was dumped- he threatened to do it because I didn't return his feelings. I feel like guys will judge me due to my severe lack of experience :( people my age get really judgmental, and it makes me feel disabled in some way. Do guys really care?. Please give advice guys. Thanks x

What is the genre of my writing?

I'm a 14 year-old writer who writes for teens and about teens. My stories involve general things that go on in teenagers' lives (things like boys, friends, family, etc) but I put a twist on things so they seem a bit dramatic. The one I'm writing at the moment is a bit like The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks. I write stories like that and my biggest dream is to get published, or even better, have one of my stories published and also made into a film (a bit unlikely for an inexperienced 14 year-old, but hey, a girl can dream, right?). The point is, I don't really know what genre I write (romance, horror, action, sci-fi, etc). I always include a bit of romance in my stories, but I also write for and about teens. I think my genre is romance but I'm not sure. Thanks in advance if anyone can tell me what genre I write! :)

Do churches really need bouncers to collect the offering?

Many churches are employing large, sunglassed goons to collect the offering and to make sure no one leaves early. Is this too much?

This or That - Boys, experiment?

I like Kristian, but that's about it Domonico I would rather just name his Dominic and Aadyn I would rather call Hayden. If a girl maybe Jayden ;)

Am I inexperienced emotionally for not wanting to strip online?

I was friends with this guy who I knew in real life, but lives in another country. We were talking on skype and I asked him out. He said I should come to his country to visit him. Then the next time we spoke he asked me to strip on skype, when I wouldn't he said when we get together it will be really boring if I won't strip for him now and then hung up and then. I wrote to him telling him that I just wasn't comfortable doing that online when we hadn't been together in person and then he dumped me and said I was too inexperienced in relationship. What can I do? I really like him.

Hey how come on some computer u don't have to download zwinky and on some you have to?

ok so on our house computer you don't have to download zwinky but on my computer it doesn't let you goon the site without downloading the toolbar and i hear it comes with viruses and spyware is that true

Going on a date with this girl...?

I met this girl at my sisters bday party and we flirted the whole night. I got her number and asked her out to dinner. I'm really nervous cuz she is a college grad and I'm still in community college (she's 22 and I'm 20). She already has a high paying job 20 dollars and hour and works like 50 hours a week. I only make 10 and 11 dollars at my two part time jobs but I have managed to save 17 k so far. So it not like I'm a bum or anything. Does it matter that I haven't finished school do girls care? I think I'm smart. Do you need to have equal degrees in order to date a guy or does that not matter. I'm hardworking and work 30-40 hours a week

Please someone help me, I'm lovesick:(?

Ok there's a guy I guess I've been "talking to". He flirts with me alot and always wants to chill with me but then he hasn't kissed me and he's had so many opportunities. It's not because he's inexperienced because he's had sex with other girls in the past. Why is he not kissing me? Also he'll hang out with me for like 3 days straight then randomly skip a day and doesn't talk to me at all. What's going on?! And what should I do about it?!

Are corn rows easy to doo ?

Corn rolls arent hard and I know my friend(mixed) her mom(white) knows how to brain GOOD! my mom (black) me (mixed) she don't know how to braid my don't base on race it takes 4 ever for corn rolls simmple styles = 1 hour complicated/small braids = 5 hours and up

My 5m old f husky puppy will not potty out side?

help i dont know what 2 do, i have two of then the m is 4m and he is all most potty trained, and the f is not, she will not go out side at all, even if i give her a treat when she does go outside she will still come inside and 20min latter go on my floor agian, so i statred to put her in a kennel and she would just pee and poo all over the cage i had to wash her all the time, so then i started to put her and the m in the bathroom cuz my m does not like to be alone, he will not potty in my bath room, but my f wil she pees and poo in my tub and i dont know what to do, so i put up a babby gate so she is stuck in one room so i can watch her, i take her out evey hour, i feed them both in the morning 2 cups for each of them, then i take them out the m will go and she wont, so i have an in closed porch i leve her in there for 10 min then go to take her out, and she will have goon on the floor, now not only is she going on the floor but she jumps up on my side table and poos on it, i am not kidding she really does this i left her on the porch and came in side and looked out the window in the door and saw her do it, does any one know how to help me i am going CRAZZY lol, i love them both but i just can not take her any more, i have a 2 year old and i can not keep cleaning my carpets every day, and it is to hot for her out side, it gets to 108 around my area, and i have not yet got a fence and i cant leve her out side because my neighbor got there husky dog stolen a month ago, and i really wanted them to be indoor dogs, i do walk them though, its hard cuz they dont like the leash yet but going ok so far. If any one can help it would be wonderfull and thank you so much.

How will I know when a guy wants to kiss me?

He probably wants to kiss you all the time but is nervous. If he is flirty then get yourself in a situation where there is just the two of you. Give him a hug and hold on for a little longer than normal. Be submissive. He will feel a little more confident then to take the plunge. Good luck

I need help saying no to a friend. help?

I have this friend that i've really only known for a year and (we're both in middle school 8th grade) he's a guy im a girl. Im afraid he has a HUGE crush on me(im not trying to sound conceited) cause he keeps asking if he, i, and my other friends that we sit with ata lunch can go to the movies and he ALWAYS flirts with me. I don't want to sound rude, but he's a HUGE nerd which isn't bad but he also guilts me a lot and i feel sorry for him, but i just don't like him more than anything but a friend. He guilts me by saying things like "i never go to the movies with my friends... we should go sometime. when could you pick me up?" and just last weekend was a parade and i asked my friend sitting at the table with me and this guy (i'll call him BOB so as to keep his identity safe) with me and BOB and i asked her to go to the parade with me. Then he said oh i wanna go too. I've never one out with any of my friends. So i said i would pick him up but never did because i was afraid to say no. See, (okay sorry but I have to explain the whole story before getting to the part about saying no) we had a project to do in one of my language teacher's classes where we had groups and did a presentation over WWII. We had a contest where one person from each group would go up and spell a word and the first people to misspell a word would go first to present their group project the next week. BOB misspelled the first word and started crying because he didn't want to go first. Not because he's a brat but because he just so soft. So i felt bad and i was scared because i didn't want him to keep guiling me into doing things and have me say no and have him start crying or get really upset. So, now, he keeps following me. Not stalking me, but in the halls if he sees me he walks right up to me and starts talking to me. After lunch when we go outside for a few minutes he follows me around and doesn't let me spend time with any of my friends except for the friends we sit with at lunch because every time(i mean EVERY time) i walk away from the two girls i sit with at lunch he follows ME and asks "where's M and L(first letters of friend's names)? Why aren't we with M and L? let's go find them." or if i spend time with other friend A, any she's REALLY weird he asks"why are you doing that? Let's go find L and M." It drives me up the wall because i want ot spend some time with my other friends and im really starting to not want to be his friend anymore because i want to just talk to my other friends without his standing behind me and saying things like "you shouldn't talk about people like that. ; why are you whispering? can i hear?" yes, i know that gossiping and talking about people behind their backs is wrong. Please don't yell at me for that. i'm just trying to make a point that he won't let me spend time with my friends and im too afraid to tell him to buzz off! i know i also sound really rude, but you have to try and sympathize. lie on 8th grade day where all the eighth graders get out of class all day and play on these giant inflatables HE WOULDN"T LEAVE ME ALONE. he kept following me and making me feel bad if i didn't go on an inflatable with him. I tried going with my friends and he would just stand there the whole time and watch and when i'd get off he'd make me feel bad! i TRIED SO HARD to spend time with my other friends than with L, because M is in 7ht grade, but any time i would go on something with my friend BOB would say" oh there's L, let's go say hi to her and see if she'll goon anything with us." Do you understand why im so upset? What makes me MORe upset is tomorrow is NJ HS day, say as 8th grade day but only for NJHS student (don't ask, something to do with grades) and i DON'T WANT HIM AROUND ME. I have a feeling that the reason he walks with me so much is beacaues we're basically his only friends. I'm not saying that to be mean to hi im just saying, that i honestly think we're his only friends. I just want to know a way to tell him nicely to please not folow me around at NJHS day because i want it to be fun and not..... i don't even know what to say.. just not im wiht me the whole time. please help and im sorry if im sounding hurtful. Im just SO FRUSTRATED.

This guy seems so full of hatred and criticism, what causes this in a person?

Sounds like a real winner to me. You can do much better. If I didn't like a girl I would at least be kind enough to lie to her about the reasons.

Play ps3, from UK and have a headset? Leave gamer tags please!?

Fed up of non eng servers and nobody to talk to, :/ and all my goons of mates have xbox 360's (grieved)

♥♥♥ Why GOD killed all the dinosaurs??? Were all the dino's did past deeds in their past?

If that is so ,then humans are doing 1000 times more bad deeds to other creatures and the planet, why God did not kill the whole human population...for every action = equal reaction does not happen???

Is it time to accept that Torres is NO LONGER a top footballer?

I'd rather have fabio borini, let alone daniel sturridge. Great players are never that **** at any point. I hope he never plays well again. He doesn't deserve to; everyone knows if you play **** you work hard like rooney does. Torres stands around.

Why are TSA molestations only "bad" when it happens to famous people?

I'm amazed more people aren't upset about this. As I understand it, you don't get molested in Israel, and they face real threats from all sides.

If in the magnetic field is placed a?

If in the magnetic field is placed a cohesive contour and it's area is 3 square meters,and magnetic field induction value is 14 tesla. Then the draught contour's magnetic flow's maximum value is equal to?

Do you think she likes me?

Sounds like she's interested. A way to ask her out without really asking her out is to see if there is another place that both of you like and say that you guys should hang there sometime. Ask for her number so you can text her the details. Hope this helped :)

First car, A RX8 -or- A 350z?

I'm going for my first car, i have to pay half and both these cars are around 10k and that is a good price for me and my father. I love both of these cars very much, do not say i would be too inexperienced to drive something with this big and engine, i've been driving a 4.4L V8 land rover for a year now and it really moves out, its a great car, but for my personal car i want something sporty, if you have any other suggestions in a car used around 10k, coupe or small 4door and 200+BHP (at LEAST). that would be great :D

Substitute for half stick vegtable shortening?

i have a recipe tht needs half stick of vegtable shortening... how much butter equals half stick of vegtable shortening?

Is this hypocritical or not?

So this scenario from Chasing Amy made me wonder. Alyssa is a lesbian, meets a man named Holden and falls in love with him. Her lesbian friends ostracize her because she fell in love with a man. What Im wondering is, is it hypocritical of her friends to be upset, when a staple in fighting for gay rights is "one love, equal love, you cant help who you love". I mean if that's really what they're about then it would be unfair of them to judge her for finding love with a man instead of a woman. If this situation were real, is that how real-world lesbians would react?

Saturday, August 6, 2011

How to deal with a shy and inexperienced guy?

If you're really interested in him and think he may feel the same way, then go ahead and ask him out. If you're nervous too, maybe try to get a group of people to go out together. That way you can spend time with him and feel comfortable together, but it won't be as awkward if it was just the two of you alone. But there's nothing wrong with taking charge and asking him out. Just don't try to be too forward and make him uncomfortable.

Do either shredded pine bark mulch, pine nugget mulch, pine straw, or peat tie up soil N?

All of these products are usually used as mulch and not soil amendments. They will not lock up the nitrogen but in the process of decomposing they will use up a lot of existing nitrogen. It would be better if you used some sand (Not more than 1 part of 5) and used compost such as leaf mold or other non- manure compost to amend the soil. This will add slow release nitrogen as opposed to taking it away. From your description of the ph I would also use several hundred pounds of dolomitic limestone or 50 or so pounds of hydrated lime to bring the ph to a more neutral point.

Who had the ability to enforce BOB PROBERT more than once ?

wendel clark hands down comes to mind first, he can score, and he can fight 3 times in one night, ray nuefeld is another one who played for harford and winnipeg, one night fought three pens in one night, theres a couple of others.

Looking for a Roleplay Room on Chatango!?

Well if you fancy a place that's not chatango and you like Harry Potter, please join us at!

Parents, would you let your teen ride in a car with another teen?

my friend and i were planning a road trip, but neither of us have our licenses so we would go with my friend's older sister. we are 16 and her sister is 19. it's about a 3 or 4 hour drive to where we're going. my mother, however does not want me driving with my friend's sister. she doesn't think its safe to drive with an "inexperienced driver" on "unfamiliar roads". I get where she is coming from but i don't think it would be that bad. it'd be just the 3 of us at like 6 am so we wouldn't be listening to loud music, it wouldn't be like a party in the car and she is a responsible driver- doesn't speed or text/call while driving etc. parents, if it was your teen would you let them go? if so why? i need reasons to convince my mom to let me go

Inexperienced during sex or is he a virgin?

My boyfriend and I have been having sex for months now and I can't help but question if I was his first or not only because he is pretty bad at sex. I've asked him before and he said he's not a virgin and has had sex with 4 other people. During sex however he has no idea what he is doing. I on the other hand am not that experienced because I lost my virginity to him but yet the only time the sex is amazing is when I'm on top doing all the work. We've tried many other positions (missionary, doggy-style) but they all don't work because he doesn't know how to do them. Even when we first started having sex he would never actually stick his penis in me. He still doesn't put it in me. I'm the one to put it in myself. He just lies on top of me and starts grinding. I dont know what to do to get him to be better and for him to know how do it better. Should I get him some porn to watch? Also, is he a virgin or is he just really inexperienced when it comes to sex?

How far should a girl go with a guy at a party?

You don't wanna go all the way with someone who doesn't care about you because you'll ruin your reputation. When you're older, guys with class and manners have a LOT of respect for girls who are virgins until they are in a serious relationship. I say keep the make-outs to only one guy. If you start dating someone (although it's senior year so he probably doesn't care for anything serious and you shouldn't allow him to use you) don't go past action with hands only ;) HAVE FUN!

Do you think she likes me?

definetly bro you guys are soul mates just be all like yo wanna grab some brew (coffee not beer dont want to confuse you) with me? if she says no be all like we be going anyway

Good Name for Puppet Making Company?

I'm hoping to make a company that makes puppets for professional puppeteers, much like Jim Henson's Creature Shop. What is a good name for a company like that please? And what is an idea for a particular line of these puppets, like The Muppets? I was thinking about something like The Naturals or The Goons.

What is blue toner for your hair?

My highlights turned out orange, and I was told If you use a blue toner, it will counteract with the orange and to Add the toner with equal parts 20 developer and put it in your hair, wait about 20 minutes. I dont understand what this means lol.

Am I pushing him away? Help!?

You are fine. He knows that you are inexperienced. That can be very attractive. Don't worry, he will like you for who you are. Just be who you are and you will figure out the love thing. Everyone has to start somewhere, and I am sure he will be happy to be your teacher for your first relationship. Just go with it. You will be ok and you will learn.

I need to get laid tonight please help thank you.?

Get off the drugs and alcohol, they're not going to make you any better. Don't worry too much. There are lots of guys like you who happen to be NOT asian.

30 mg of temazepam equals how many mg of xanax?

Hi, I take 1mg xanax twice a day. Unless I actually get a panic attack and basicly stop breathing then I can take 2. I'd like to know 1mg of xanax equals to how many mg of the temazepam. Have in mind I take this for anxiety/panic attacks not to sleep.

Ramadan. Is this many Muslim's View of Allah?

They seem to think Allah is like a common Mafia Boss surrounded by his goons who are eager to please him by slitting throats of those who do not swear alliance to him and is won over by slavish flattery of his Ego.

Plz help me with my girl problem!!?

Whoa, man! Lucky u!! Anyways, I think u should go with #3. Who cares if she is your friends sister or poor.. She seems to be perfect from what you say..But don't forget to tell your friend about this..

No one likes me i have no friends?

Wow, that was a lot to take in and im really saddened by your story, the thing is there is always someone who has it worse then us, everybody has problems and i feel i have a lot more than most, but at the same time i feel like im a lot more lucky than most, but after reading your story it sounds like you probably have more hardships than mine but the thing is there's people who are struggling even more than both of us, and im not talking about the kids in africa, in united states there are kids and teenagers that feel they have no point of life everywhere, because the truth is where both lucky and cursed at the same time. I know exactly how you feel, more than your probably even realize, during that time in my life i felt why me, out of all the people in this world, the killers, robbers, thieves, why had ive been given this life, sometimes it still doesn't make sense, but are generation is more 30x harder truthfully and imagine if we were able to overcome all adversity and become adults and be able to teach our children all that we have been through to affect other people lives in a dynamic way. In reality you were born to change the world, and in fact every single human being does in one way or another, some more powerful than others, some who revolutionized are country into what it is today. Some may think im going to deep but in fact i haven't even come close. As a summary i personally know that you will be able to make it through this situation whether you yourself thinks so or not, but its on you, your own abilities, your own experiences, that will affect how you change the world and how it will be in the future. When we are young we are crippled, handicapped in several ways, you will decide whether you heal or not in order to become an adult rest in your hands. Thank you for sharing you story with me and people around the world and i cant wait to see how you will do in the future. Good luck from a friend ^_^

What do boys think if their new girlfriend tells them they're a virgin?

I recently lost my virginity but am really embarrassed that i haven’t done it much before, i don’t know if my bf would want a girl with a lot of sexual experience (which i don’t have). Do boys want a girl who has had a lot of sex and know what they are doing? I feel bad that i am really inexperienced.

Why are Americans such cowards?

Thank Bush for giving us the TSA but thank Obama more for allowing his administration to allow the TSA to do this

I guess I'm not real good in relationships with a boyfriend and I don't know what's wrong with me...?

I am always playful and cute and whatnot around a guy I like....sometimes shy though and in that case he never even gets to talk to me....I'm sorta afraid of being alone with guys I like. I am almost 15. It's not like I'm like 10 and I am just inexperienced. But once I get into a relationship with a guy I like or even if I don't like him much....I DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO. I just don't know how to get comfortable around a guy I like and that likes me back, If he likes me it's cool. Or if I like him it's cool. It's just I don't do well when both.

Embarrassing moment in bed, could this spoil my university social life?

I'm 22, still at university. I've never really had a long term girlfriend or even one night stands, so I'm still very inexperienced in the bedroom. Anyway I was at the club last week, celebrating the end of our finals, and I met this girl, took her back to mine. I was a little drunk and so was she. She asked me to put a condom on. I had one I kept since sexual health week when they were giving them out for free. Anyway I've never actually really put one on before, so I tried doing it in the bathroom but still, it just wouldn't stay on properly and before I knew it I went soft. I went back to my bedroom and apologised and, well, she wasn't impressed. At all. In fact she just gave me a mean look and asked if I was actually straight, got dressed and left. I think she knew one of my friends, so how far does this kind of thing spread? this is doing wonders to my self esteem/respect I think I'm going to hide from everyone for a while until I know it's safe to come out.

Is there a way to freeze the camera in Minecraft?

I was wondering if there is a mod that allows you to freeze the camera in Minecraft single player. I all ready tried to make the mod myself but I'm inexperienced with making mods (kinda experienced with java). It could really be useful for machinima.

Why Shivsena like this?

I saw in news that the workers(goons) of Shivsena forced a newly married girl to tie the rakhi(tying the rakhi girl to boy signifies brother sister relationship) her husband so she tied that she might not be beaten by the worker (females). It seems that Shivsena is more danger than alqaida. Isn't it ? By the way that time was valentines day. I don't know why Shivsena has this kind of sadistic mentality?

Is this a good team for heartgold?

well I like your team though if you want a normal type pokemon I would change togekiss for a tauros or a snorlax because of their ability took take hits and I would change wooper for another pokemon for important battles like the pokemon league..

I'm having difficulty finding a car with good mileage and mpg. Help!?

Hondas make great cars but miles seem high for the money. I would stay away from the hybrids especially one that is eight years old. It was still pretty new technology and I don't know if all of the bugs were worked out on them. Check out some of the base models of Toyota Corollas or Honda Civics. If you are just looking for basic transportation you can overlook a few dings and scratches. When I was in college I traveled 550 miles and didn't have to pay a penny for gas going home. If you are traveling going home for a holiday, find people on your route home and charge them for a ride. Also if you find a car you like from a car lot or private party, take it to a mechanic and have them check it out. There are a lot of things they will check out for free. It is a good idea if you can get someone who is knowledgeable about cars to go with you while shopping.

Need Dance move help please?

Probably a poor description but, you jump in the air and land on your back and kind of jack knife back to your feet, what's the move called and how do you do it. The dance move is performed on lmfao ft Laura Bennett and goon rock - party rock anthem

Contract clause for anti-bullying?

The fact that your company has an anti-bullying policy is great. Your idea is flawed though. If enacted to many people would purposely scam the company just to make a buck. The company then goes under and everyone is out of work.

Homophobes : why are u against the equal rights of lgbt community ?

what some claim as 'equal rights' others know it's a sin against God and Christians rather do what God wants then what man want

Should i have got drunk after this?

so yesterday at my friends house we had some alcohol im only 13 and dont start saying on the answere ' shouldnt be drinking at 13' , yes i know u shouldnt but its not like im going to drink EVERY WEEKEND , only on special accasions , birthdays christmas etc , and yeah i had 2 blue wkds and 2 budweisers which equals to 18% vol and i had it in the time space of 3 hours , should i have got drunk? , and btw i didnt get drunk. im just saying would another 13 year old got drunk?

I known her for 23 days and she said she was 21 days prego when she did the test at 19 days of knowing her?

Lol, okay do the math, a woman ovulates 2 weeks before she starts her period, which means that an egg is released from the ovary and passes through the fallopian tube into the uterus waiting to be fertilized, so when you had sex with her, she either a)had ovulated that day or b)ovulated a few days later, meaning that your sperm reached the egg and fertilized the egg and she got pregnant. So that means that YOU are the father of this child. When she says she is 3 weeks pregnant, it means that it is 3 weeks after her last period, so if you want to get technical, she really has only been pregnant for 1 week, but doctors go by the last menstrual cycle a woman has had, maknig her 3 weeks pregnant. So yes, you are the father of the baby!! It just turns out that luck wasn't on your side, and you had sex with her on a day that she was ovulating! Should wrapped it up, bud!

Culture group: Do all women envy what white women have?

Men that run and control the entire world and media and have made them the standard beauty, the queens of the world, with no equals.

Friday, August 5, 2011

This guy is so cruel to me, but yet I really like him still, what is wrong with me?

If you still like him you're a fool and you need to get your head checked. That guy is an ignorant P.O.S. Do I need to say more?

Looking for song can't find anywhere at all.?

looking for name of this song, cant find it anywhere. I would know the song by cocaine stone? sounds like older three six mafia. almost like basement sounding. only part i remember is "i f*ck with concaine stone, real goons..." and i forget the rest. Any pointers let me know.

How much cheaper would the mortgage be, really?

Blaming "the government" is silly. If she initially borrowed 67K and now owes 80K, either she got a negative amortization loan or she has borrowed additionally against the house. That is your mother's doing - not "the government's." You don't have all the facts.

Specific court cases with completely inept defenses?

I think it is pretty obvious that Casey Anthony has an inexperienced, inept defense team - at least Jose Baez. What are some other well-publicized cases that had poor defenses?

Confused about down below... Help please.?

Hi. I'm 17, I'm not sexually active in the slightest and in all honesty don't much about this area. I haven't experienced any pain, itching etc. but due to all being told that I should I sat down and looked. I noticed that on the right side, just outside my vaginal lips there was a creamy coloured substance. It wasn't in the left side and it's not causing me any problems but it's still kinda worrying. I thought it might be thrush but doesn't that cause itching? Should I go to the gp? Sorry for being completely inexperienced in this area and very naive, if anyone could help that would be great, thanks :)

Do people with a frustrating lack of success with men often become misandrists?

Also would it be fair to assume that men's success with women is equal or approximate to women's success with men? Is success with the opposite gender not mutual by definition?

Should I teach CCD/Sunday School?

I'm not sure what CCD is and I've never taught Sunday School, but I recommend you get as much teaching experience as you can get. It sounds like it'd be more low key than any traditional classroom teaching or student teaching (you're probably not going to be observed or be graded on how you do). Even if the class is unruly, you'll learn really quickly how to manage them. I'm quiet and shy too, and I was afraid when I first started that an unruly class would walk all over me (and they have, in the past). But, I've learned that you don't need to be loud to command the class' attention and respect. The most important thing you can do for any class is establish your classroom management routines from day one and stick with them (for example, using a bell to quiet them when the get loud, having consequences already determined for behavioral problems, having a system that rewards good behavior). If you can get some experience with classroom management before you begin student teaching, you'll be MILES ahead of other student teachers. You may be inexperienced now, but Sunday School seems like a really good way of easing into teaching without too much responsibility or stress.

How will I know when a guy wants to kiss me? ?

You're a girl, you are the ones that are supposed to turn your heads went you don't want a kiss. If you show him you like him, eventually he'll lean in.

Cavaliers-kings trade?

That was a terrible trade by the Cavs. Byron Scott must really have faith in Tristan Tompson. Well by trading away JJ Hickson the pressure will be put on Tristan Thompson to produce. The Kings get even better with this trade. With the right point guard the Kings can be a dangerous team.

Can anyone help me reproduce grid ?

Go to The Hoot Owl Tree website,slide show with round disc, with grid overlay on disc, can anyone reproduce the grid with a map scale of 2 10/16" equal 1 mile, diagonal line of square equals 6 miles. What is distance between lines in the center that forms the little center squares?

Where should I start?

I am a curious 15 year old. Lately I have had the drive to learn as much as I can about the stock market, and overall investment plans. I understand that it would be unwise to enter the market at this point in my life, being unemployed, and inexperienced. I would greatly apreciate some experienced insight, book recommendations, and just usefull tips and pointers to better prepare myself for when the day comes. Any response to this would be great inspiration to my hope at learning the complicated twists and turns of investing. Thanks.

Is the reversibility of light valid when light enters a flat surface and leaves at a curved surface?

Say for example, a light enters a glass at its flat surface at say angle A with respect to the normal, and it leaves the glass at its curved surface at say angle B with respect to the normal, when light then enters the glass at its curved surface first at an angle B will it leave the glass at its flat surface at an angle A again with respect to the normal? Actually we did a class experiment for this the angle of incidence when the light ray entered the flat surface of the glass is 30 degrees with respect to the normal and the angle of refraction with respect to the normal is 20 degrees. But when we tested that the light ray hits the curved surface first at 20 degrees with respect to the normal it leaves the flat surface and is refracted at an angle 17 degrees with respect to the normal. Well, clearly, 30 degrees is not equal to 17 degrees, it is far far not equal. Did we do the experiment right? I'm concluding that the principle of reversibility of light is not valid when light ray entered flat to curve then curve to flat. HELP ME I'M CONFUSED :(

Of all the failures of Carter being repeated by Obama, is this the worst one?

obama proved today that he is no leader when he blamed his failures on congress. if he was a leader he would have taken the blame and then said things would get done for the country and the people, but sadly he played politics instead. he is a failure as a leader

Who else will be rofl Sunday?

Can't wait til 5/22/2011!! All hype and Judgement Day overload will vanish...hopefully, temporarily. Perhaps Camping will predict a new date and his mental goons will believe him again...shaking my fuggin head...sigh.

Can an inexperienced needle worker make cloth diapers?

I think you could easily find more information on line if you google homemade diapers. Finding the best clothe - grade of cotton would be important also. Research it online. And be prepared to have several bins with tops on them. Take the soiled diapers and rinses them right away - then put into the bins with the lids on top. After you wash them, you may want to put them thru a 2nd rinse as many new borns are very sensitive so soaps. Also use a detergent that has no extra additives in it. I think maybe Purex is one. Read the labels. If you want to save a little money and have the time. Try rinsing them a second time in a separate but large tub. Then dry in dryer or hang on an inside or outside line. Hanging them inside or out will save you electricity costs as the dryer uses more electrical $$. Yes, in spite of all this, using your own diapers can save you lots and be very very good for you children. Keep an extra box of store bought disposable diapers handy in case you get tired or sick or unable for a few days to keep up with the home made diapers. Use coupons when you buy store bought diapers - for your much deserved rest time. Good Luck!

What should we name our hookah shack?

You could name it ' Pukka Hukka' (pukka means real/genuine the hukka bit is a play on the word hookah. hope you like it, and have great fun in it.

Help ?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<!…

in my blackberry wherever theres inernet i wanna goon a site it starts requesting and than it says unable to find reqested server it started since a weeek wht do u think is wrong and whtshould i do

Why are people who practice incest any less deserving of lawful protection/representation than Hetero or Homo?

Why do Heterosexual and Homosexual and Bisexual and Transgender people deserve equal treatment but people who commit acts of incest are villified by Heterosexuals and Homosexuals alike? Is it because of prejudice?

I think I have a psychological problem and I desperately need advice to get over this?

He sounds like a real jerk, why would you want such a man? You deserve better, be strong and move on

Was the murder of Mumbai's famous whistle blower, result of society's laxity?

Agree with you in total. Thats the price one has to pay here to get justice. If you go with the system, you enjoy. The moment you think otherwise you get shot or burnt alive or children and women get evicted.

The Sims 2 DS Time Limit Questions?

Every time there are goons or aliens, they always give me a time limit. What happens if I don't catch the goons or melt the aliens in time?

How can I get my husband to truly empathise with the fact that I want him back in my life?

Tell Him that you are a changed person, that you still Love him and you will never live your old life Again. that you would like for him to give you a Second chance. I wish you the best.

Am I being oversensitive, or is he being insensitive?

Maybe a little on both parts. He was being insensitive no doubt. He should of watched your game and supported you. Also, he was there You need to explain to him that just because he showed up and didn't watch doesn't count. If he really likes you, he will understand and try to work on it.

Won't Strauss-Kahn make a wonderful president of France?

Maybe France will enter new era, and then he shall call the country the Rapeblic of France. but I don't think that would be good for the image of France which already tarnished by the refusal to extradite or prosecute French suspects who are accused of crimes in foreign countries.

Has this been the plan all along?

When George Bush (the second) took office in january of 2001 the national debt stood at around 5 trillion dollars. The US would of had a surplus of about 2 billion dollars. So he proposed tax cuts for everyone. During the debate the question was asked what happens if we went to war the answer was we will then revisit the tax question at that time. Well we are in two wars for the past 10 years and when we finally come back to taxes they still leave them at the same rate. Why? During past wars taxes have goon up to pay for the wars that is how you keep the deficits from going through the roof. Now while we are engaged in the two wars they start another entitlement program that is not paid for which adds more to the deficit. Then at the end of his term the financial system almost collapses and we spend another almost one trillion dollars to bail them out. So when Obama takes office the debt stands at 12trillion dollars and he spends another 900 billion on a stimulus program of which 40% is more tax cuts, 30% is aid to the states and 30% for infrastructure. So we have taken the deficit from 5 trillion dollars in 2001 to 14 trillion in ten years. Is the plan to intentionally bankrupt the country so that we can't afford to defend ourselves or even govern effectively. Has that been the plan all along?

Story name ideas please?

Hi! As you might know, guy is also a French name "Guy", and I found really "cool" that naturally you "named" your story "Guy "A" and Guy "B", ans, as I do think first sight are often the best ones, I'll just go on the same path and name it: "The Lucky Guy" (with the double meaning).Congrats and good luck.

School isn't for me why?

i know how important it is to graduate high school. I also know how much my mom wants to see me graduate high school. But lately i just im sad about my life like its not that i dont like school its just that when im at home doing my thing playing world of warcraft, hanging out with the people i grew up with im happy and i get along with everybody but when im doing homework or going to school everythings just so bad. i get this feeling when i look at math or a story i have to read and its just like i get very angry and frustrated and i dont understand it much no matter what when i have math work i dont get it i read the book still dont get it i go online and look for tutorials or something that will help me understand the material better and i just dont excel! i dont get the work i dont have fun doing the work and even when i do the work right i dont feel any better about myself. i hate school like any 15 year old would. im homeschooled through opportunities for learning and i just i dont know whats going on i mean it wasnt ever like this until i actually got to highschool. now im being threatened of being removed from the program because it takes me long to do my work and well im really unhappy with my life so far. up until highschool it was never like this. apart from the goons that hang out in the street all day, i have no friends my only real friends are potheads and pretty much my cousin who still goes to regular school and i only see him everyother day he doesnt ditch me to go hang out in his school with his friends.. anyone have any advice? like whats wrong with me? why dont i like school? why dont i feel good about it when i do something right?

Should surrogacy be discouraged?

Your own flesh and blood is still dearer than someone else's. I want my child to have the genetics of his father and I, continue OUR family line. That's the whole point you know. I don't want some one else's child in whom I wont see my own breed. I am proud of my family line, and I would be proud of my husband's to and would want to see it continue to exist after we have died. Now unprotected sex and making abortion illegal is what should be discouraged for sure, especially in places like China and Africa.

Please help, I feel so lonely :\?

Yes, a good way to meet people that would be easy to strike up a conversation with is by joining a group of something that interest you and the people you there you would already have something in common with and would have something to start talking about. There was a time when I was shy and felt like I would never find someone and I didn't know how to go up to people and strike up conversations. It does come in time, but don't worry so much. I know that seems easier said than done. If you act confident in your demeanor and the way you walk talk and present yourself, then people will notice and will approach you.

This guy I know said we could be together and then he ignored me after I wouldn't strip for him online?

If he can't respect you then really he is not even worth giving a second chance to, he is trying to make you feel guilty for not wanting to do what he wants, that is not the way healthy realtionships work, it is about accepting the person and caring for the things that are important to them like values and morals, and not just about him wanting to get off on seeing you nakes, the guy sounds like a jerk.

Inexperienced rider breaking a horse?

I'm considering starting a horse project with getting a cheap horse and trying to transform it. I know this would be a time of learning for me, as I'm not very experienced in handling horses and riding them, for that matter. However, my uncle knows a lot about horses, and I'd be boarding so I'd always have someone that I could refer to and ask about horses. What would you say about doing this? Any suggestions of a specific breed I could try? I really don't have a lot of money so I'm trying to think of what could be affordable. I've been looking online at some of the inexpensive offers people have suggested for their horses. Please write as much as you can because I'd really appreciate this. I own a miniature horse and he is 4 years old. I don't see him much, however, but he's pretty much a companion (I used to do agility with him, but I haven't trained him in anything major like driving).

Age in a old is too old?

Is it okay for an 18 to date a 27 year old? The 18 year old is turning 19 in a month & the 27 year old just turned 27. So therefore there is only a 8 year age difference. When she's 20, he'll be 28. So should age matter in a relationship? If the two parties involved in the relationship share equal beliefs in sex, religion & so forth, should an age gap be an issue? Not an issue between the two people but an issue for other people I guess. Lately I've been hearing mixed opinions. Some say a 27 year old dating an 18 year old is wrong. However the 18 year old just met the 27 this month & as stated before, will be 19 in the next month. So what's wrong with an 8 year age gap?

Relationship help (I'm inexperienced)?

Don't know how you're gonna take this, she'll probably just want you to leave her alone for a while. It's not easy getting over people and, well leave her time to get over him. It's okay to flirt, but next time you do and end up getting not much of a response in return, remember that it's not your fault. If you're ok with just being her friend for a while, she will respect that on many different levels

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Are American women just crazy or ignorant?

I don't understand how anytime in this country people talk about gender roles or the 1950s, women automatically get on the defensive and go basically nuts and talk about how their "oppressed" and men view them as inferior and how their not going back to the kitchen. First of all, you don't have to do anything you don't want to do. Who's making you go back to the kitchen? And second, this is 2011. So all of that crap women tote are total BS because they are the main ones in control of most businesses today. Feminism has been fed and forced down everyone's throats. There are rare cases of sexism in this country (America) today. So why are women up in arms about not being equal and blah blah blah?! You already ARE equal in basically everything in society. The only thing you don't seem to have a monopoly over is having a d*ck.

Why do I have to pee so much?

Okay, kind of awkward but, I have to pee a lot. I'm trying to drink more water so, I'm drinking about 3 or 4 bottles of water every day. Which is equal to about 6-8 glasses of water. I'm still drinking soda too, I'm trying to cut back slowly. lol Tonight though, I've literally been up and down all night peeing. I'm not sure if it's all the water or the fact that my period is really soon. I usually pee more around "this time of the month." I was also pretty bloated yesterday. Do you think it's from the bloating or all the water? A combination of the both?

Will Obama be Re-Elected?

Who Knows the only thing he DOES know how to do is to trick people into voting for him. If he does I fear for our future seriously. The amount of money he is losing my generation may not have a future.

Why doesn't this girl believed i effed her man?

She may very well believe you, but the way you're going about it is more like harassment. It's the guy that was a butt head to you. Bug him. You have no reason to be hurting her.

Do you think she likes me?

ok, so since your very inexperienced, you may not have kissed a girl or not, and with a gf there are things you gotta do. You gotta kiss her, hug her, and maybe cuddle. You may have to stop doing some annoying habits you have, if you have any at all, and you gotta be with her. She may like you, i think she may like you. and you can ask her for her number so ya'll can talk and then when you get to know her better, ask her out on a date:) to a restaurant, or a picnic, girls love sweet things, and romantic things:) and if you make the "transition" tell her you think of her more than just a friend, and tell her something sweet:), and complement her:) either if its on her hair, or clothes:) or her shoes:) or her eyes!!! :) and if she teases you back, thats a good sign:) go for it:) good luck:)

So I'm heading back to Australia even though she asked me to stay?

She is emotionally abusive(which I am sure is obvious to you). Her behavior sounds eerily similar, to my (ex)fiance. My (ex)fiance did the same thing. Read a book called 'I Hate You, Don't Leave Me', it is a real eye-opener about this kind of behavior.

What do I do?? i really like this guy!!! 10 points?

okay so i work with this guy we have been friends like for about six months so once he asked me to hung out so we did but then he stopped texting me for a while but then some time passed and he asked me to hang out and he was all like i really want to hangout with you and he made me think he really liked me. so we hung out and then we hung out another three times and we started to kiss and cuddle one of those times i think he was gonna ask me to be his gf but then we got interupted so it didnt happened, so he would text me and he also told me one that he liked me but in a indirect way but then lately he told me he was like super busyand didnt have time for himself i bc the semester is almost over and hes taking some tough clases like biology microbiology etc. he want to get into the medical field. so he stopped texting me and i thought maybe he lost intrest and started to like another girl so i texted him and told him i really liked him and he told me he liked me to and we texted for a while but he was doing hw so he stopped texting me then the next day he texte me a goon night text so i texted him a good morning text and he hasn't texted me ever since. and when i see him at work i felt like he was being rude like he didn't want to talk to me im so confused whats his problem? why did he lead me on and made think he liked me and now hes being a jerk? what should i do? i really like him so it hurts a lot? i also want to ask him to hang out but im scared of rejection btw there was two times i asked him to hang out with family and friends and once he was working and the other time he said he would keep it in mind. What do i do please help!!!!!!!!