Thursday, August 4, 2011

What do I do?? i really like this guy!!! 10 points?

okay so i work with this guy we have been friends like for about six months so once he asked me to hung out so we did but then he stopped texting me for a while but then some time passed and he asked me to hang out and he was all like i really want to hangout with you and he made me think he really liked me. so we hung out and then we hung out another three times and we started to kiss and cuddle one of those times i think he was gonna ask me to be his gf but then we got interupted so it didnt happened, so he would text me and he also told me one that he liked me but in a indirect way but then lately he told me he was like super busyand didnt have time for himself i bc the semester is almost over and hes taking some tough clases like biology microbiology etc. he want to get into the medical field. so he stopped texting me and i thought maybe he lost intrest and started to like another girl so i texted him and told him i really liked him and he told me he liked me to and we texted for a while but he was doing hw so he stopped texting me then the next day he texte me a goon night text so i texted him a good morning text and he hasn't texted me ever since. and when i see him at work i felt like he was being rude like he didn't want to talk to me im so confused whats his problem? why did he lead me on and made think he liked me and now hes being a jerk? what should i do? i really like him so it hurts a lot? i also want to ask him to hang out but im scared of rejection btw there was two times i asked him to hang out with family and friends and once he was working and the other time he said he would keep it in mind. What do i do please help!!!!!!!!

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