Tuesday, August 9, 2011

To get drunk how much do I drink?

I will answer your question because i drank sometimes or maybe alot when i was in junior high but anyway since you have never been drunk it would only take 1shot and a half of 80 proof vodka for your blood level to be 0.8 and by law that's drunk or if you REALLY want to get hammered drink 3 shots in 5 minutes or 4 in less than 10 minutes and that will make or break you lol but either way you go you can get drunk less than 15 minutes and spend less than $10 that's cheap but you should take your time and enjoy the first time because most people don't even remember there first time because they got drunk to fast but it's up to you and when or if you do it make sure your with somebody that's been drunk before but ifcourse not driving and if i were you i would stay out of public...you don't want a under age dinking ticket trust me that's not cool.

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