Friday, August 12, 2011

This guy seems so full of hatred and criticism, what causes this in a person?

Is this guy your boyfriend? He sounds unempathethic and insulting. I think what happened with your friend is tragic and he should have showed he cared about your feelings and just listened to you and gave you a shoulder to cry on. We all need someone to relate to us and just listen when things are chaotic and out of control. Just speaking from experience. Have you told this guy how you feel about him insulting you like this? Did this happen in public? There are signs that he is not the right guy for you. Believe me there are much better men out there. I am remarried so I can say it gets better but I have my times with my new husband too. Best thing is first to talk to him about how he hurt your feelings and both of you need to be open minded when you talk. Do not blame each other. Just listen. Communication is most important part of a health relationship. I do not know what your spiritual beliefs are buy prayer and God seems to help relationships too whether married or not. I wish you the best. God bless you.

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