Friday, August 5, 2011

Has this been the plan all along?

When George Bush (the second) took office in january of 2001 the national debt stood at around 5 trillion dollars. The US would of had a surplus of about 2 billion dollars. So he proposed tax cuts for everyone. During the debate the question was asked what happens if we went to war the answer was we will then revisit the tax question at that time. Well we are in two wars for the past 10 years and when we finally come back to taxes they still leave them at the same rate. Why? During past wars taxes have goon up to pay for the wars that is how you keep the deficits from going through the roof. Now while we are engaged in the two wars they start another entitlement program that is not paid for which adds more to the deficit. Then at the end of his term the financial system almost collapses and we spend another almost one trillion dollars to bail them out. So when Obama takes office the debt stands at 12trillion dollars and he spends another 900 billion on a stimulus program of which 40% is more tax cuts, 30% is aid to the states and 30% for infrastructure. So we have taken the deficit from 5 trillion dollars in 2001 to 14 trillion in ten years. Is the plan to intentionally bankrupt the country so that we can't afford to defend ourselves or even govern effectively. Has that been the plan all along?

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